Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Michael Shields RIP

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Michael Shields, our Oratory sacristan for over thirty years who was found dead at his home. He had suffered angina for some time, and he has now been taken to his eternal reward. He was an Irishman of great patience and humility who was always at one's disposal and of considerable cheer. Never once have I known him to lose his temper, no matter the strain he was under during holy week and the great festivals.

Here he is at Lourdes in the wheelchair with us, the Grand Order of Babysitters. I would have been very surprised if I had been told then he was to go to meet his maker this Christmas: for despite his ill health he was very sprightly and active. May he and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

Oratory Christmas music

Here is a list of the music we are doing in the Oratory choir for the midnight mass and the morning high mass of Christmas: as ever, a very busy period for us! On Boxing Day I usually collapse in bed with exhaustion from singing and over indulgence.


Kyrie & Gloria: "Messe de Minuit" Marc-Antione Charpentier (1634-1704)

Credo III Plainchant

Offertory Motet: "Hodie Christus natus est" Francis Poulenc (1899-1963)

Sanctus: Mass VIII "Missa des Angelis"

Agnus Dei: from "Messe de Minuit" Marc-Antione Charpentier

Communion Motets:
"Beata viscera Mariae Virginis" William Byrd (1543-1623)
"O Magnum Mysterium" Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611)

Final Carol "Adeste Fideles" John Francis Wade's MS book c.1740)


Kyrie & Gloria : Miss Brevis in D Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Credo III Plainchant

Offertory Motet: "Resonet in Laudibus" Jacob Handl (1550-1591)

Sanctus & Agnus Dei : Mass VIII "Missa des Angelis" Plainchant

Communion Motet: "O Magnum Mysterium" Adriaan Willaert (c1490-1562)

Final Carol "Adeste Fideles" John Francis Wade's MS book c.1740

Voluntary: "Rhapsodie sur les Noëls" Eugéne Gigout

Saturday, 20 December 2008

What a joke...

For further details on what his Lordship Kieran Conry has said on the subjects of confession, sin, the environment and the extraordinary form of mass as well as other matters, please consult the posts of Fr. Tim and Fr. Zuhlsdorf. As for me, I think it would be best and most charitable to say no more.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

Happy feastday!

Today is a whole year since I started blogging, and now I think I should try to restart again properly after a long relapse. However up to now my present circumstances have been very draining on my energy and resolve...