Friday 28 December 2007

Belmont Abbey

By remarkable providence my parents happen to live in the parish of the Abbey of St. Michael Archangel, Belmont. They are Benedictines of the English Congregation, the same as the good monks of Downside Abbey of whom I was educated by. Belmont is not as big and as impressive, but nevertheless is still very photogenic. Unfortunately I did not have good light and weather for decent pictures.

The community are still going strong,and let us hope they will continue to flourish. I haven't time to give you their history, but you can go on their website for the full details.


  1. Both Belmont and Downside are delightful and both have their qualities; but Belmont's church is possibly more 'homely' (though, of course, Downside makes up for its somewhat forbidding size in its remarkable architectural and artistic features (Comper!), doesn't it?).

    Great blog by the way, I'll add it to my own links :)

    God bless you!

  2. Belmont is a beautiful place; I used to visit frequently when I lived in nearby(-ish) Cheltenham.

    Excellent blog, to which I too shall link.
