Tuesday 25 March 2008

Arriving in Vienna

I have had the unfortunate bad luck to miss my flight to Vienna this morning after the train from Birmingham Snow Hill was delayed by a broken down train. Hence I have had to pay an extra £30 to transfer to another flight. Then to crown it all, the next flight to Vienna was delayed by one and a half hours. Hence I arrived in Vienna 6 hours late, which did not put me in a good mood! Such is the charm of modern travel...

However I found the hotel I booked into very well appointed and most delightful, and have had an excellent supper. I have taken a few pictures of it, but unfortunately the hotel internet connection will not let me download them. I shall try to find somewhere else to do this tomorrow. More is on the way.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Oliver,
    we can easily imagine your satisfaction on tucking into your excellent supper after such a difficult journey.
    Thomas is asking what you had for supper. We could do with some gastronomy as well as architecture & art.
