Sunday 16 March 2008

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

Well, so begins the busiest period of the year for us in the Oratory choir, and have just finished the first lap of the Palm Sunday mass, which went very successfully, and now face vespers this evening. Hopefully you may see photographs of this event from some of my fellow Oratory bloggers!

I feel rather ashamed as Jackie Parkes and Matthew Doyle have posted up the Holy Week music for this year before I had! However I have been exceptionally busy in preparations and have not had the time. However, here is the list of what we are doing. Stay posted!


  1. It's understandable Oliver! All we have to do is turn up while you do all the work!

    Thanks for your previous posts. As I was saying to you..I think they would be good as a small booklet. The subject matter is very important & I like the way you have the 'whole' picture.

    Might see you at Vespers.

    God bless.

  2. Mass was a treat for the senses this morning. A fitting act of worship to God.

    Deo Gratias!
