Tuesday 18 March 2008

Palm Sunday in the Oratory

Here are two pictures of the Palm Sunday mass in the Oratory. Below is that of the blessing of the palms, which took place in the sports hall of the college opposite. The faithful are in front of the clergy and servers, and you can see us the choir tucked away behind. (You can just see me right at the back in between the celebrant and the deacon reading the Gospel.) At the end of the Gospel and at the beginning of the procession we sang 'Pueri Hebraeorum' by Victoria: one of the best pieces of polyphony in the Holy Week liturgy.

acknowledgements Matthew Doyle

Then the choir processed out in front of the clergy into the main church by the Hagley Road, singing 'Gloria Laus' to chant. It was drizzling, and some of the copies got wet! I haven't got time to say any more, but more will be on the way.....

acknowledgements Peter Jennings

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