Sunday 6 April 2008

The Eagles: Life in the Fast Lane

As my friend Jackie Parkes is a self confessed Eagle's fan, I thought I might share an amusing boyhood memory. Some year back when I was living in rural Northamptonshire I used to go to mass with my siblings in a small country parish, and to get there all of us piled into a Volkswagon van. As you may well imagine this van was not exactly a racing car, had no windows one could open in the back, and had a small engine in the rear belching out fumes. So we all gathered in front to gasp a breath of fresh air while we were being asphyxiated.

To liven things up we used to play the Eagles song, 'Life in the Fast Lane', while the poor van struggled uphill on potholed roads in rural Northamptonshire! Nevertheless, my mother had a great affection for this vehicle despite her children's derision of it. Here is the song on Youtube: it brings back memories of boyhood piety (or lack of it for that matter)...


  1. What taste your mother had Oliver! Oh hell...forget the kids!

  2. The Eagles was the choice of us siblings, not of my parents! Nevertheless, it certainly added humour to dire circumstances...

  3. Oh hell...forget the parents! Great choice kids!
