Friday 4 April 2008

The Prickle Eye Bush

When I was staying with my parents some time back before I entered blogosphere I spent a few idle hours surfing the net in the computer room (a complete dump for the boys' toys!), and out of curiosity made a Google search of my own name. As I did this, I happened to discover this basic animation on the folk song, "The Prickle Eye Bush", which had been made up by another Oliver Hayes of eleven years. It is performed by the group Spiers and Bowden. Being an enthusiast for vernacular folk music both Western, Oriental and African, and being a cheerful song I have posted it right here. Here are the lyrics:


Oh, the prickle-eye bush, that breaks my heart so sore
If I ever get out of this prickle-eye bush
I'll never get in it any more

Hangman stay your hand, O stay it for a while
For I think I see my father coming over yonder stile
Father have you brought me gold, or silver to see me free
To save my body from the cold, cold ground
And my neck from the gallows tree?
No, I have not brought you gold, or silver to see you free
To save your body from the cold, cold ground
And your neck from the gallows tree

Oh, the prickle-eye bush...

Hangman stay your hand, O stay it for a while
For I think I see my mother coming over yonder stile
Mother have you brought me gold, or silver to see me free
To save my body from the cold, cold ground
And my neck from the gallows tree?
No, I have not brought you gold, or silver to see you free
To save your body from the cold, cold ground
And your neck from the gallows tree
Oh, the prickle-eye bush...

Hangman stay your hand, O stay it for a while
For I think I see my brother...

Oh, the prickle-eye bush...

Hangman stay your hand, O stay it for a while
For I think I see my true love coming over yonder stile
True love, have you brought me gold, or silver to set me free
To save my body from the cold, cold ground
And my neck from the gallows tree?
Yes, I have brought you gold, and silver to set you free
To save your body from the cold, cold ground
And your neck from the gallows tree

Oh, the prickle-eye bush, that breaks my heart so sore
If I ever get out of this prickle-eye bush
I'll never get in it any more.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That was brilliant - and something I can show to my lad, he'll love it. Maybe be inspired to make one himself, I'll have to sing him one of the Scottish folk tunes I used to sing to him as a baby, to inspire him!!!
