Wednesday 16 April 2008

Talk given to the Patricians on marriage

Last Sunday one of the Oratory fathers had asked me to give a talk again to a group organised by the Legion of Mary called the Patricians. Here the speaker expounds on a certain theme or topic of the faith, this is open to discussion and one of the Oratory Fathers gives a summary. The theme this time was: Where and why have all the marriages gone? I agreed to do this, but I said it wouldn't make any preparation and talk off the top of my head!

Thankfully the talk went reasonably well, and as it is such a pertinent subject I thought I might write down the points I made at it in a few posts. Basically the theme was that marriage has degraded from being a sacred union to a mere contractual arrangement of little worth. Erotic love has become completely separated from it and has become a destructive force in its own right. I shall try to sketch the history of marriage and its breakdown, erotic love in the modern consciousness, and try to bring out a few points for the future of Catholic marriage.


  1. The Legion is one of the most perfectly-designed forms of lay apostolate on the planet.

  2. Glad you were able to help out Oliver!
