Sunday 18 May 2008

Ad multos annos!

This year my parents celebrate their ruby wedding anniversary of 40 years of marriage. They have by the grace of God stuck it and are still going strong, which is a great achievement. Today on Trinity Sunday it is a fitting day to commemorate it, as holy matrimony is a great mirror of the life of the three persons in one God. Please remember them in your prayers, and may they continue to be blessed in their future life together.

Also today it has been exactly 5 months since I have started blogging on December 18th 2007, the Feast of Our Lady's Expectation. I am still keeping this blog going, but nobody seems to be visiting me any more! Do please make me better known: I do try to remember all who visit this site in my prayers.


  1. hey keep up the blogging. I often read your site. I just dont often post comments. Will try to do so more often in the future.

    Keep up the good work


  2. Another wonderful achievement of a long marriage, Praise God! I do visit, just don't always leave comments! God Bless.

  3. Keep up the good work! I think your blog is well worth visiting.

  4. Oliver, I read your blog but rarely post comments. I would imagine there are many others who do the same.

  5. We love your work Oliver; keep up the good blogging!

  6. Congratulations, Oliver (and your parents too). I enjoy reading your blog, which I do regularly, but your blogging is better than your maths - it's exactly 5 months since you started.

  7. Yes we read it as well. Interested in the music side. Organist librarian's wife.
