Friday 23 May 2008

Condoms to Burma...

Here is a piece of news that has come in, thanks to Fr. Tim. One wonders if those who are giving "aid" secretely welcome the cyclone as a means of "population control".

220,000 condoms off to Myanmar

Bangkok - The United Nations will send nearly a quarter of a million condoms into cyclone-hit Myanmar to help needy survivors with no access to contraceptives, a UN official says. So far, the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) said it had sent 72,800 condoms to survivors struggling to maintain their family planning after the storm hit in early May. A total of 218,400 condoms would be delivered, UNFPA aid advisor Chaiyos Kunanusont said.

Cyclone Nargis left 2.4 million people in desperate need of food, medicine and shelter, the UN estimated, but Chaiyos said not all of the affected people would need family planning supplies.

Cyclone Nargis left at least 133,000 people dead and missing, and aid groups had complained that supplies were not getting to survivors quickly enough because of limitations imposed by the ruling junta.

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