Thursday 8 May 2008

Desperate aging trendies

The blog Orate Fratres has given a report on the dissident Call to Action conference at San Jose, California.

The report seems to be very worried at what has gone on, in particular at the 'Mr Potato Head mass'.

However, I do not think we need be unduly concerned: one only has to look at the average age of the participants, and their clear air of desperation...


  1. What is up with the puppets?

    Since posting the original "Mr. Potato Head Mass video" on my blog it has ripped through the worldwide web: Scotland, England, Germany, Italy, Asia and America.

    My blog has been swamped.

    Your welcome to view the reason why this travesty of the holy liturgy has occured, and view a new puppet mass that comes to us from the controversial St. Joan of Arc Parish in Minneapolis, Mn.

    God's Blessing to you, and unless you object, I'm placing this site on my blogroll, your welcome to do likewise if you find mine worthy.

    james mary evans

  2. Here is a full pictorial report on the present and active participation of puppets within the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

    God help us.

    It is springtime, and we have gone bloomin mad...

    How about a puppet Jesus as Eucharistic Minister distributing Holy Communion for starters?

    I feel guilty posting this:

    "In Honor of the Beast?" Indeed.

    Please pray for us.

    God's Blessing and prayers for all.

    james mary evans
