Friday 16 May 2008

Novena to St. Philip Neri

Tonight we begin the novena to our Holy Father St. Philip Neri for the welfare of the Birmingham Oratory community and parish. Although the Oratory has a way of surviving unscathed through times thick and thin, it only does so because of our prayers! So for the period up to the Feast of St. Philip, which falls this year on the May bank holiday on Monday 26th May do remember us!

Look down from heaven, Holy Father, from the loftiness of that mountain to the lowliness of this valley; from that harbour of quietness and tranquillity to this calamitous sea. And now that the darkness of this world hinders no more those benignant eyes of thine from looking clearly into all things, look down and visit, O most diligent keeper, this vineyard which thy right hand planted with so much labour, anxiety and peril.

To thee then we fly; from thee we seek for aid; to thee we give our whole selves unreservedly. Thee we adopt as our patron and defender; undertake the cause of our salvation, protect thy clients. To thee we appeal as our leader; rule thine army fighting against the assaults of the devil. To thee, kindest of pilots, we give up the rudder of our lives; steer this little ship of thine, and, placed as thou art on high, keep us off all the rocks of evil desires, that with thee for our pilot and guide, we may safely come to the port of eternal bliss. Amen.

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