Tuesday 6 May 2008

Oratory May procession

One of the great highlights of May for me in the Oratory is the procession of the statue of Our Lady. Unfortunately this year much to my disappointment it coincided with my retreat this weekend, as I was in Downside. Nevertheless I was thinking of everyone back home processing as I was out, and Jackie Parkes has taken some pictures!

O Lady, by the stars that make
a glory round thy head,
and by thy pure uplifted hands
that for thy children plead,
when at the judgement seat I stand,
and my dread saviour see,
when waves of night around me roll,
and hell is raging for my soul,
O then remember me.

1 comment:

  1. Good tradition. Probably you know the Youtube video “May feelings”. Young students of Universities of Madrid say reasons pray the holy rosary. (in Spanish, with english subtitles)
    See it: http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=YxjjyXhO9EA
    It is one of the most watched videos on Youtube in May.

    Santiago (Granada, Spain)
