Thursday 29 May 2008

Rednal Public Enquiry

Here is another intention for your prayers for a favourable outcome of this on-going saga.

PUBLIC ENQUIRY on Tuesday 24th June at 10 a.m. at the Birmingham & Midlands Institute.
9 Margaret St. Birmingham.

Reason for enquiry: Appeals by the Trustees of the English Congregation of St. Philip Neri at Birmingham & the Oratory Fathers.

Against the enforcement notice served by Birmingham City Council. The notice(s) allege(s) The erection of palisade fencing without the grant of palisade permission.

Relating to the above local planning authority for the erection of the palisade fencing which is now subject of a High Court re-determination appeal.

Site at The Oratory House off St John's Wood.

An Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State under...

Members of the public may attend the enquiry & at the discretion of the Inspector express their views. If you are disabled or anyone you know who is & wants to go to the enquiry contact the Council.

Documents can be viewed at the Council's offices by prior arrangement.

Contact Kate Vicker 0117 372 6286

The above is not an exact copy of the notice.

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