Thursday 12 June 2008

Assent instead of dissent

Humanae Vitae, that most critical of all papal encyclicals, was published in the year 1968: the year of revolution at a time when even the Catholic church was seeming to be swept up in the tide. But the promise of Our Lord was to remain unalterable: Thou art Peter, and on this rock I shall build my church, and the gates of the underworld shall never hold out against it. So when Paul VI was to speak out on the matter, against all expectations he was to hold firm.

It was to provoke a wholesale rejection of Catholic moral teaching and become the linchpin of dissent against the magisterium. But recently, a group of priests have formed a group of assent rather than dissent as an act of reparation: Humanae Vitae Priests. Acknowledgements to Fr. Tim, on bringing attention to a subject very dear to my heart.

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