Wednesday 18 June 2008

The Dedication of St.Chad's Cathedral

Today I have completed six months of blogging work on the feast of the Dedication of the Cathedral, which is kept in all churches in Birmingham diocese. I have managed to keep this blog going with a relatively small number of visits daily, with the occasional spurts for posts that attract much attention. Do please keep the visits up, and I welcome comments!

Concerning St. Chad's Cathedral, it was the first Catholic cathedral to be opened since the reformation and carries the relics of St. Chad above the main high altar, which were miraculously preserved during penal times. The cathedral incongruously sits above an expressway, and was nearly demolished to make way for this. Fortunately better counsels prevailed, but these did not save the original archbishop's palace. More can be found from the official website here.

1 comment:

  1. Here's to the next six months and beyond! I for one really enjoy your blog and the care you put into everything you write.
