Sunday 8 June 2008

More on Stamford

Here are a few more pictures of Stamford, Lincolnshire.

I have been asked about the Catholic Church, where I went to mass this morning. It was in fact quite a fine neo - Gothic building in the French style, with elaborate chevrons on the roof. Alas, the 1960's liturgical vandals have well and truly put paid to it, and it has a bare, whitewashed sanctuary with a horrible stone table.


  1. I take your point, but are you being perhaps a little harsh? I presume you mean St Mary and St Augustine's? The parish priest, Fr Stephen Dye, is a very good friend and I would assume the Mass would have been worthily celebrated.

  2. You do have a point. Fr. Stephen Dye has certainly done his best to improve things: at communion he has reintroduced the paten to catch fragments of the host. However he is recent addition to the parish, and has not inherited a great legacy...
