Saturday 14 June 2008

Pontifical mass in Westminster Cathedral

I made a day trip to London to attend the Latin Mass Society's solemn pontifical mass celebrated by Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos in Westminster Cathedral. I was to find the cathedral packed to the rafters with nowhere to sit down and I had hurt my foot! Nevertheless I managed to take these rather poor quality pictures with my old camera.







  1. Thanks for this, I've been dying to know how it went - we weren't able to make it boo hoo!

  2. Looks like you got a scoop on photos! Well done.
    Look how many men there are in front of you, hardly like the new Mass I have to go to! But, as Cardinal Heenan, said when he saw the first new Mass in the Sistine Chapel: "At home it is not only women and children but also fathers of families and young men who come regularly to mass. If we were to offer them the kind of ceremony we saw yesterday in the Sistine Chapel we would soon be left with a congregation mostly of women and children."

  3. Many thanks for these fine pictures of the big event at Westminster Cathedral, the first pictures I've seen posted.

    Of course, I've seen the occasional LMS Masses celebrated at the high altar, but not with this much ceremony ! And I've seen Cardinal Heenan celebrate at the high altar in the early 1970s(in Latin, but in the novus ordo).

    I wish I could have been there. It must have been magnificent, despite the scaffolding ! But I simply couldn't travel that far.

    Hope your foot gets better soon !

  4. A very wide selection of photos of Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos's visit are now on the usual web site at

    A colleague and I were the LMS's official photographers and thus had access to places that the general pubic do not - hence some very different views of the ceremonies.
