Saturday 16 August 2008

Fr. Guy Nicholls' Silver Jubilee

Today a special mass was held at the church of St. Mary and St. John, Wolverhampton, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ordination to the priesthood of our Fr. Guy Nicholls, priest of the Birmingham Oratory. He was ordained on the vigil of the Assumption, August 14th 1983. It was a solemn high mass in Latin, and we the Oratory choir came along to sing. In the meantime I took these photos from the choir gallery.

We sang the Missa O Quam Gloriosum by Victoria, Sacerdotes Domini by Byrd at the Offertory, and Mozart's Ave Verum along with the Gregorian propers for the feast of the Assumption. For us this is very easy and familiar bog standard Sunday music, and it was all a great sucess, with the acoustics of the church perfect.

The Gospel, and the Offertory, with Frs. Andrew Wadsworth and Anton Guziel as deacons.

After mass we has a reception in the parish hall, and we gave a toast to him on 25 years of priesthood, which coincided with the wedding anniversary of his parents. Fr. Petroc Howells told the story a three Staffordshire jurors who were deprived off the bench for being 'Popishly affected.' Well, may Father Guy remain equally so!

Here is a photo of him just recently ordained, wearing the same vestment as his silver jubilee mass.

Here also is one of the ordaining bishop, the late Bishop Joseph Cleary, a great and renowned Auxiliary of Birmingham who was also the parish priest, and from which I received my confirmation in St. Mary's, Harvington.

Ad multos annos!


  1. That is a great photo of Fr Guy. Why did he pick that church in Wolverhampton? Was he ordained there? It looks very nice. I am currently working in Wolves, so a visit may be needed!

  2. Wonderful post as ever Oliver! As I've told you several times you have a wonderful gift & am sure the Oratory choir couldn't function without you! Andrew & I have our 25 years next year so Fr Guy is one year ahead of us in his holy vocation!!
