Wednesday 3 September 2008

Torchlight rosary procession in Lourdes

Every evening in the pilgrimage season a torchlit rosary procession is held at 9.00pm in Lourdes, where the rosary is recited publicly in multiple languages, interspersed with hymns, intercessions and various prayers.

This year due to the sheer number of pilgrims, it had to be rerouted and the size had to seen to be believes. Small groups lead the various nationalities, and one evening the GOBS were asked to lead the English group. Here we are getting ready:

So we gathered in the platform in the Praire grounds opposite the grotto in our yellows, and when our turn came, little Jacinta Parkes our youngest member said the rosary to which we answered. Unfortunately for myself we also had to lead everyone in singing that shocking hymn 'As I kneel before you,' which the rest of the group rather enjoyed. Perhaps Our Lady does have a sense of humour, or I was being made to do penance.

As for me, I had to resist the temptation to sing this version:

As I cringe before you,
as I hang my head in shame...

I will not repeat the rest, as it may cause considerable offense....


  1. Oliver Andrew & I had this 'lovely' hymn at our wedding!!

  2. I'm not particularly fond of it - a bit too saccahrine, but I wonder why you find it 'shocking'. Do you think there is something wrong with it theologically? If so, I'd be glad to know because one hears it so often these days - whilst 'O Purest of Creatures' (which is wholly theologically sound) gets cut or curtailed.

  3. In fairness there is nothing theologically wrong with this hymn. However from a literary and musical point of view, particularly when you are used to the liturgy of th Oratory, it is a real saccharine shocker, which makes me cringe with embarrisment! Suprisingly it is sung often at Oratory funerals and weddings...

  4. Oliver, I must offer you some support! Although there is clearly nothing 'wrong' with the hymn, personally I cannot stand it. I am writing in a purely personal capacity, but am a member of both Jubilate Hymns and the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland!
