Saturday 15 August 2009

Assumption EF high mass in the Oratory

This morning was an exceptionally long haul for us in the Oratory choir, as we had to start rehearsal at 9.00am sharp for the extraordinary form high mass for the Assumption of Our Lady. We were doing the full Palestrina Missa Assumpta Est Maria in six parts, with Palestrina Assumpta Est Maria at the offertory and Robert Parsons' Ave Maria at communion. This as well as all the full Gregorian propers, which were more difficult than usual. So it was a two hour rehearsal for us with no break with high mass at 11.00am, finishing at about 12.30pm. Here is the entrance procession, with our organist improvising on 'Ave Maris Stella':

It was a very successful occasion, with the music much appreciated by everyone, and we had a good crowd. I managed to take a few pictures of the service from the rear gallery where we were in the spare moments I had when I was not singing.

The Epistle

The Gospel




Last Gospel

Recessional, with Bach's Fugue on the Magnificat played on the main organ

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