Friday 4 September 2009

Vietnam's regime arrests a Catholic blogger

Fr. Tim writes:

A catechumen of the Archdiocese of Hanoi, Bui Thanh Hieu, who writes under the pen name Nguoi Buon Gio, which means “Wind Trader” has been arrested and detained for criticising the Vietnamese government's distortion of the Pope's speech to the Vietnamese Bishops at their Ad Limina visit. I humbly encourage bloggers to post on this injustice. The Wind Trader needs our support and the Vietnamese government needs to know that its distortion of the Holy Father's message is open to scrutiny from the rest of the world.

I must add a thought that could be the subject of a future blog post: it seems absolutely essential to the success of tyranny, totalitarianism and religious persecution for total control of the means of communication and complete dominance of the media by propaganda and ideology. This is to prevent any rational debate concerning the legitimacy of state power and policy, which is fatal to the totalitarian project.

Our Lady of Lavang, pray for us

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