Monday 3 March 2008

Laetare! A more light hearted moment....

I thought I would give you all a relief from my grim analysis of the culture of death! Yesterday all of us in the Oratory took a welcome break from the rigours of Lent, and went down to the Garden House pub for a drink after vespers and benediction. Jackie Parkes came down for the first time to join us, and she took a few pictures of the event.

Myself and Michael O'Driscoll, an Oratory parishioner.

Myself and Father Guy Nicholls

Fr. Guy and Kevin Molloy, our computer expert.

I have posted this photos from Jackie just to show that we in the Oratory are in fact a very cheerful and convivial lot, and are not miserable and glum as everyone else would have us! And we are drinking for real pleasure, not like our pagan world as a means to escape and blot out reality by by complete inebriation. I was in fact enjoying a pint of Everards. We are looking forward to the feast of the resurrection at Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I had a great you's not all doom & gloom!
