Tuesday 4 March 2008

Rogue's gallery no.4: sex industry

Prostitution may well be the world's oldest profession, and a very sordid one at that: its' natural vested interest in the culture of death needs no explanation. However what is not so well known is that it is not now a small scale phenomena. Instead it has become in our day a highly organised and efficient industry, which is involved in what is effectively slave trafficking of women.

In theory organised prostitution may be illegal, but in practice there are many subterfuges around the law and in reality civil authorities turn a blind eye to it. With its' close ally the pornography industry, it is worth billions and billions, closely allied with the drugs trade and in our liberal society a legalised criminality. It hides its real name under 'personal services' and other euphemisms.

In England thousands upon thousands of women are shipped over each year to become trapped in it unaware of their fate. Some of them have little English, and to all intents and purposes are virtual slaves. In my district of Birmingham several houses were raided, where it was discovered that women from Albania, Bosnia and Lithuania were being held as sex slaves under close observation. Yet in both cases criminal charges where dropped, and the places shortly reopened as before.

Abortion, prostitution and the exploitation and demeaning of women go hand in hand. Now England has some of the highest abortion rates in Europe, and has become a leading destination for what is the revival of slavery, of the worst possible kind. I have not put any pictures for reasons of discretion, and nor will I do so for the next post, on the spread of pornography.


  1. Of course where we live it was really bad!

  2. Oliver one of the things you've missed - the women who suffer the most from this - those struggling wives and mothers trying to hold a family together while their husbands waste a fortune behind their back satiating their obsessions while the family suffers....

  3. Yes I am aware of that. However if I were to be exhaustive I would have to write a book length article on the subject, but I just do not have the time or space! These are only short snapshots to the best of my ability...
