Monday, 7 January 2008

The Divine Manifestation

The word 'Epiphany' is derived from Greek meaning 'manifestation', for the feast of the Epiphany celebrates the manifestations of the incarnate divinity of Jesus Christ to mankind as specific events in history. It is so closely related to the feast of Our Lord's birth, that in the early church January 6th was the main celebration of the Nativity. In some countries this still remains true: in Spain the giving of gifts happens on the Epiphany.

In most people's minds due to popular devotion this feast merely concerns the visit of the Magi bringing gifts to the infant Christ. However this taken alone in itself is a very inadequate and incomplete view. Often the full significance of the Magi's visit and who they were is missed, as well as the nature of the gifts they brought.

Also the Magi are only one of three key features of the Epiphany, that show forth Jesus Christ as the beloved Son of God, in whom the Father is well pleased. The other two are the miracle at the wedding of Cana and the baptism in the river Jordan. Highly significant as well is the relation of the Epiphany to worldly power, and the resulting acts of King Herod.

So tomorrow and the day after I shall talk about the Magi, who they were, and hopefully try to keep all of you interested!


Anonymous said...

Oliver..the new Oratory choir are rehearsing over on my blog!But don't tell anyone there's competition about! lol

Anonymous said...

You'll be joining Miles Jesu next!