Thursday, 1 October 2009

Habemus Episcopum!

Today on the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux it has been announced that Bishop Bernard Longley, Auxiliary in Westminster, has been appointed by our Holy Father to the metropolitan see of Birmingham. He seems to be a reasonably safe appointment, and thankfully at least we have not been given one of those episcopal horrors from the dioceses of the south coast!

Please do remember to pray for him that he will be a wise and holy pastor, who will feed the flock entrusted to his care well, and will courageously uphold the faith and magisterium of the church both in and out of season. Of all the dioceses in England and Wales, Birmingham has been among those that have withstood the assault on the church in the last forty years better. May it continue to do so, and also follow the program of renewal of Benedict XVI.

St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us.

St. Chad of Mercia, pray for us.

Ven. John Henry Newman, pray for us.

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